Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Mark Bowie's Finding November

Instructor Mark Bowie recently completed a self-assigned project to photograph November, staying close to home in western New England and northern New York State.  He was out nearly every day — anytime from predawn to night — making images and recording his impressions.  His goal was to look beyond the bare trees and gray skies to discover November’s hidden beauty.  It became a very personal project, an exercise in the art of seeing and expanding his craft.  And day after day, image after image found him.

He’s published the resulting images, and the stories behind them, in a new e-book — Finding November.  It's for anyone who appreciates the beauty of nature, whether you’re a photographer or not, and in particular, those who love the Northeast.  The collection reveals the depth and character of the month, and the treasures to be found by looking deeper.

Click on this link to learn more.